Committed to Developing Excellent Solar Solutions
Our Company and Mission
Solar Land Partners, Inc is a professional services company made up of utility-scale solar project developers, interconnection, real estate, permitting, solar system design, finance, and due diligence professionals formed to get land sites "shovel ready" for solar EPC construction. If your current or prospective project needs any due diligence or development services, give us a call and we can help you reach the finish line.
Many solar farm projects need assistance in one of the areas below in order to create a bankable solar project that satisfies county, utility, investor, and ITC:
- Obtain interconnection agreements with local utilities with differing requirements throughout the US
- Financially model a project based on reliable design and KWH output data from leading EPC contractors
- Obtaining a PPA agreement with IOUs, municipalities, or other agencies via RFO process
Solar Land Partners, Inc helps “solar project developers” at any point from the initial stages toward bankability and through EPC project completion as a co-developer or professional services provider.
Solar Land Partners Areas of Expertise:
What is your project missing?
- Project Viability Due Diligence Before Proceeding Further: Our strong team of industry professionals has performed due diligence on several hundred utility project efforts since 2007. PVsyst output modeling and initial system design are the first steps in viability, as well as the study of the interconnection grid and permitting issues.
- Financing of Development or Construction Phase of Project: Our associated companies have provided these funds for several projects in the past.
- Conditional Use Permits: Initial review through CUP approval
- Understanding New PPA Programs In Each State: New programs such as Community Choice Aggregation and every changing state programs for new RFO and PPA opportunities require a skilled understanding
- Interconnection Application With Utility: Engineering system design and project site layout drawings
- Obtaining a Financially Viable PPA with Utility/Municipality/Large Business: Expertise in PPA opportunities in each state and negotiations
- Overall Project Management: Expertise in simultaneously managing several project requirements
- Construction Financing: Financial modeling, SPV formation, and proper connections
- Construction Management: Deliver on time and budget